July 17-21st, 2025
North Central College
Naperville, Illinois
Celebrating the Martial Arts, Healing Arts,
and Empowerment Self Defense

What is the NWMAF Conference?
The national conference is the NWMAF’s signature event. It’s a beloved “camp” experience that allows attendees to experience many Martial Arts styles, as well as Healing Arts and Empowerment Self Defense. Many attendees return every year; many lifelong friendships have been made! This gallery of images from past conferences gives a small taste of the spirit of fun, collaboration, and community that makes the event so magical.
Women, transgender, and nonbinary instructors and attendees ages 12+ are invited to attend the entire NWMAF Conference, or just Super Saturday. Super Saturday is open to EVERYONE, including cis male attendees.
To encourage schools to bring as many members as possible, we’re offering a 10% post-conference refund for attendees from schools that bring at least 5-9 people. And if your school brings 10+ attendees, each of you will receive a 15% post-conference refund! So register now — and be sure to mention your school name when prompted!
Note for potential instructors and scholarship applicants:
NWMAF members, including instructors, may apply for need-based scholarships. If you’re applying to teach and/or applying for a scholarship, please complete all application materials first. Do not register to attend until we reach out to you with further directions for registration and payment.
Early bird pricing ends Monday, April 14th.

Conference Information
Check back here for regular updates as scheduling and instructor information develops.
Thurs. July 17 – Sun. July 21, 2025 The conference will open for check-in on Thursday afternoon, followed by 3 full conference days on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, with classes, workouts, and workshops from a variety of traditions and practices (martial arts, healing arts, and empowerment self-defense). There are classes where no previous training is needed, as well as classes for those with a higher level of experience. Check-out will be Monday morning, July 21st. Breakfast is provided on the morning of check-out.
Sat. July 19, 2025: Super Saturday – Classes open to people of all genders, ages 12+, including cis men. The evening culminates in our members’ performance showcase!
Get Involved in the Fun!
We’ll need help with tasks such as registration (Thurs. pm & Fri. am), taking turns at the Help Desk, First Aid, and set-up/clean-up jobs. We want to have a great showcase on Super Saturday, along with a silent auction and bazaar (and possibly a raffle!) Use the link below to express interest in one or more of these opportunities!

Not a member yet?
Join NWMAF to become part of a community that celebrates the strength in each of us and spreads empowerment wherever we go. You’ll save a few dollars on next year’s Conference too!