My introduction to martial arts was learning Yang Tai Chi when I was living in Auckland, New Zealand in the early 1990s. I got totally hooked, fell in love with the strange and beautiful movements, and haven’t looked back. I attended my first NWMAF Annual Conference in 2016.
After moving to New York City, I studied Classical Northern Wu, Chen, and Yang Tai Chi, along with Cheng Ba Gua Zhang with Master Frank Allen and Tina Zhang at the Wu Tang Physical Culture Association. Frank and Tina introduced me to sparring, weapons forms, and the martial side of martial arts. I traveled to Beijing with them in 2006 to study with Master Liu Jing Ru and Master Li Bing Ci.
In 2009 I moved to Minneapolis, MN, where I quickly found a home at Five Elements Martial Arts and Healing Center studying with the amazing Shifu Koré Grate.
I currently train with Master Li Pei Yun at Master Li’s Chinese Martial Arts & Internal Healing Center in NJ.
My background in visual design and web development has led me to help with various iterations of the NWMAF’s website since 2016 and I am currently working with the Board to create this new one you’re looking at!
Location: Cherry Hill, NJ United States
- Anti-bullying programs for Tweens
- Ba Gua
- Chinese internal martial arts are my happy place!
- The self-defense class I took in college changed my life.
- Photography
- Web development